A F M Maftun Ahmed

A F M Maftun Ahmed

Mr. A F M Maftun Ahmed has been practicing Corporate Law since 2009, and beeninvolved in a lot of major deals and transactions since then. He has been regularlyinvolved in Company Laws, Commercial & Mercantile Laws, Labor Laws, ContractLaws, Employment Laws, Telecommunication & Information Technology Laws, Civiland Criminal Laws, Laws on Evidence, Property Laws, Consumer Protection Laws,Laws Relating to the Digital Security, Foreign Expat related Laws etc. and corporatework in general.

Mr. Maftun is experienced in drafting and reviewing various Agreements (i.e. ProjectContract, Business Contract, Service Level Agreement, Rental Agreement, NDA,Distributor Agreement, Supply Agreement etc.), providing legal opinions andconsultancy in setting up of branch office and liaison office of foreign companies,incorporation of company, share transfer, acquisition and reconstruction of company.He is also experienced in negotiation drafting policies, procedures and handlingcompany litigation.

Mr. Maftun is skilled in drafting, formulating and delivering legal documents, feedbacksand opinions. He completed his LL.B (Hon;s) and LL.M from Eastern University,Bangladesh and is a member of Dhaka Bar Association, Bangladesh since 2009.